When the symptoms are caught early, a simple UTI can be treated with narrow spectrum antibiotics in as short as just 3 days. There are some more complicated cases where longer courses of antibiotics may be recommended as necessary by your provider, and in accordance with the guidelines set by the infectious disease specialists. Some individuals suffer and are seeking relief from recurrent UTIâs or âhoneymoon cystitisâ and feel very frustrated in general, and especially in their sex lives. The good news is there are several UTI prevention strategies (2) which can be discussed, including the use of prophylactic antibiotics to ward off recurrent infections and residual scarring. In post menopausal women, lack of estrogen and vaginal atrophy eventually leads to vaginal dryness, pain with intercourse, and recurrent UTIâs. In these instances, topical estrogen, such as Premarin cream can actually âplumpâ the tissues back up, help with dryness, and curtail recurrent UTIs. The classic symptoms (3) of a vaginal yeast infection is increasing itching, redness and inflammation of the external tissues coupled with thick white cottage cheese discharge. Topical or oral antifungals can often treat the infection in as little as 3 days, and one form of treatment may be preferred over another depending on various factors. In the instance of recurrent vaginal yeast infections without obvious cause, sometimes the male partner, specifically an uncircumcised male partner can be the origin of the infection. A male yeast infection is known as Balanitis or Balanoposthitis. This can occur when the foreskin of the glans penis harbors sweat, sloughing skin cells, bacteria and yeast. Hygiene measures or topical or oral antifungals may be the necessary treatment. Some females taking the drug Tamoxifen for breast cancer can unfortunately develop recurrent yeast infections and may require a routine antifungal regimen. There is an array of contraceptive options (4) nowadays with excellent efficacy. Family planning counseling can help you identify which option you feel most comfortable with, and to choose the method which is best for you. Women’s Health Care
Common symptoms of UTI (1)
Vaginal Yeast Infections or (Candida Vulvovaginitis)
Family Planning